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The Evolution of Link: How The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Reinvents a Classic Hero

Since its inception in 1986, The Legend of Zelda has been a beloved franchise that has captured the hearts of gamers around the world. The series follows the adventures of Link, a courageous hero who is tasked with rescuing Princess Zelda and saving the land of Hyrule from evil forces. Over the years, the franchise has evolved and adapted to the changing landscape of video games, with each new installment offering fresh takes on the classic formula.

But perhaps none have had as big an impact on the series as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Released in 2017 for the Nintendo Switch and Wii U, Breath of the Wild reimagines the conventions of the Zelda series, offering players a vast open world to explore and a new take on the character of Link. In this article, we will explore the evolution of Link and how Breath of the Wild reinvents the classic hero for a new generation of gamers.

The Evolution of Link

Link has been the protagonist of The Legend of Zelda series since its inception, and over the years, he has undergone several changes to his appearance and gameplay. In the early games, Link was portrayed as a pixelated hero with limited movement and expression. As the series progressed, Link’s character became more fleshed out, with each new installment offering new insights into his backstory and personality.

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One of the most significant changes to Link came with the release of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in 1998. This game offered players a more detailed and realistic portrayal of Link, with 3D graphics that brought the character to life in a way that had never been seen before. Ocarina of Time also introduced players to a more mature and complex version of Link, who was depicted as a brave and determined hero on a quest to save Princess Zelda and defeat the evil Ganondorf.

Subsequent games in the series continued to build on this character development, with each new installment offering new insights into Link’s personality and motivations. However, it was not until the release of Breath of the Wild that Link underwent his most radical transformation yet.

Breath of the Wild: A New Take on the Classic Hero

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild takes the series in a bold new direction, offering players a vast open world to explore and a new take on the character of Link. In this game, Link is portrayed as a much more vulnerable and human character, with emotions and fears that are more relatable to players. Gone are the days of the silent and stoic hero – in Breath of the Wild, Link is a much more expressive and emotional character who is deeply affected by the events of the game.

One of the most striking changes to Link in Breath of the Wild is his physical appearance. In previous games, Link was typically portrayed as a young and handsome hero with a clean-shaven face and a confident demeanor. In Breath of the Wild, however, Link is depicted as a more rugged and weary character, with a more realistic and battle-worn appearance. This new portrayal of Link reflects the hardships and challenges that he faces in the game, and adds a new layer of depth to his character.

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In addition to his appearance, Link’s abilities and gameplay have also been reimagined in Breath of the Wild. The game introduces new mechanics such as climbing, gliding, and cooking, which give players more freedom to explore the world and interact with the environment. This new approach to gameplay has been widely praised by critics and players alike, and has helped to redefine the expectations for open world games in the industry.

The Impact of Breath of the Wild

Since its release, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has been hailed as a masterpiece and a landmark achievement in the world of video games. The game has received widespread critical acclaim for its innovative gameplay, stunning visuals, and captivating storytelling. It has won numerous awards and accolades, and has been praised for its role in redefining the open world genre.

But perhaps the most significant impact of Breath of the Wild has been on the character of Link. This game has successfully reinvented the classic hero for a new generation of gamers, offering a fresh and more human take on the character that has resonated with players around the world. Breath of the Wild has ushered in a new era for The Legend of Zelda series, and has set a new standard for the portrayal of Link in future installments.

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In conclusion, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has successfully reinvented the classic hero of Link for a new generation of gamers. The game offers a fresh take on the character, portraying him as a more vulnerable and human hero with a more realistic and battle-worn appearance. With its innovative gameplay and captivating storytelling, Breath of the Wild has set a new standard for the portrayal of Link in the series, and has solidified its place as a landmark achievement in the world of video games.


Q: Is Breath of the Wild a direct sequel to previous Zelda games?

A: No, Breath of the Wild is a standalone game that takes place in a different timeline and offers a new interpretation of the Zelda universe.

Q: What sets Breath of the Wild apart from other games in the series?

A: Breath of the Wild offers a vast open world to explore, with new gameplay mechanics and a more nuanced portrayal of the character of Link.

Q: Is Breath of the Wild considered a revolutionary game in the industry?

A: Yes, Breath of the Wild has been widely hailed as a revolutionary game that has redefined the open world genre and set new standards for gameplay and storytelling.



By Donato