Former UK PM Boris Johnson says his gov’t underestimated COVID-19 threat

Former United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson faces questioning at a public inquiry on December 6, 2023 over his government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic [Photo by UK Covid-19 Inquiry/AFP] Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has acknowledged his government “got some things wrong” in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as he gave evidence at a public inquiry into his handling of the global health crisis. In the first of two days in the witness box on Wednesday, Johnson apologised for “the pain and the loss and the suffering” caused to the families of the victims. Keep reading list of 4 itemslist 1 of 4 UK ex-Prime Minister Boris Johnson resigns as MP list 2 of 4 Ex-UK PM Johnson misled parliament over lockdown parties: Report list 3 of 4 UK’s Boris Johnson to be judged over lockdown-flouting parties list 4 of 4 Boris Johnson misled parliament, UK MPs overwhelmingly say end of list Testifying under oath, Johnson acknowledged that “we underestimated the scale and the pace of the challenge” when reports of a new virus began to emerge from China in early 2020. The former prime minister has faced a barrage of criticism from former aides for alleged indecisiveness and a lack of scientific understanding during the pandemic. Johnson – forced from office last year over lockdown-breaching parties held in Downing Street during the pandemic – accepted that “mistakes” had “unquestionably” been made but repeatedly insisted he and officials did their “level best”. “I understand the feeling of the victims and their families and I’m deeply sorry for the pain and the loss and the suffering to those victims and their families,” he said. Johnson, 59, was briefly interrupted as a protester was ordered from the inquiry room after refusing to sit down during the apology. Several […]

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By Donato