Memorandum of cooperation between the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Japan on people-to-people exchanges

Contents Paragraph 1 : Purpose Paragraph 2: Areas of cooperation Paragraph 3: Implementation and governance Paragraph 4: Commencement, duration, modification and discontinuation The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (hereinafter referred to as the “UK”) and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Japan (hereinafter referred to individually as a “Participant” and collectively as the “Participants”); Recalling that the UK-Japan relationship has at its heart shared values, culture and people-to-people connections which support mutual understanding; Recognising that strong and sustainable connections and exchanges between our institutions, peoples and businesses are critical to our ability to address shared challenges and harness opportunities; Desiring to build on the enhanced global strategic partnership between the UK and Japan as outlined in the Hiroshima Accord: an Enhanced UK-Japan Global Strategic Partnership and deliver on its commitment to ‘revitalise our people-to-people exchanges’; Have reached the following recognition. Paragraph 1 : Purpose 1. The purpose of this Memorandum of Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the “MoC”) is to further develop mutual friendship and cooperation between the UK and Japan through enhancing the people-to-people connections between the 2 countries. Paragraph 2: Areas of cooperation Expanding exchanges 1. The Participants will foster new ties between the young people of the 2 countries – the future of the bilateral relationship – and enhance youth and student mobility between the 2 countries. To that end, the Participants will increase to 6,000 the numbers who can access the UK’s Youth Mobility Scheme and Japan’s Working Holiday Programme respectively. The Participants will also celebrate and amplify the range of exchanges, scholarships and other programmes that give young people the opportunities to live, study and work in our respective countries; from Government-run initiatives like the Chevening Scholarship, the JET Programme, MEXT Scholarships and Turing […]

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Click here to visit source. Memorandum of cooperation between the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Japan on people-to-people exchanges

By Donato