Statement of cooperation on Home Affairs between Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Albania and the Home Office of the United Kingdom

Contents Introduction I. Illicit finance II. Corruption III. Narcotics IV. Organised immigration crime V. Delivery London, November 2023 Introduction The Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Albania (‘MoI’) and The Home Office of the United Kingdom (the ‘HO’) acknowledge the importance of the bilateral relationship and the common interest to cooperate closely on Home Affairs. The Participants reaffirm their commitment set out in the UK-Albania Joint Communiqué of 13 December 2022 to enhance cooperation and in acknowledgement that the highest threats from Serious Organised Crime, which are threats to the security of both nations’ citizens, stem from illicit finance, corruption, narcotics and organised immigration crime, agree that their strengthened collaboration will focus on tackling these shared priority areas. The Participants also affirm that enhanced cooperation with international partners is critical in the fight against Serious Organised Crime. I. Illicit finance The Participants recognise the importance of bilateral dialogue and cooperation to improve our understanding of and response to illicit financial flows impacting the UK and Albania. They agree to deliver a coordinated and joint response and commit to sharing expertise and experience, including on money laundering methodologies and professional enablers who exploit policy, regulatory and legislative loopholes. The Participants recognise the central role of information sharing and joint interventions both of which help increase the number and scale of investigations, prosecutions and recovery of assets benefited from criminal activity related to money laundering. They also recognise the central role that the private sector should play in tackling high end money laundering and the importance of tackling cash smuggling between the two countries to break the criminal model that relies on this funding source. The Participants commit to concerted efforts to develop and progress joint interventions in these areas. II. Corruption The HO and MoI agree on the imperative […]

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Click here to visit source. Statement of cooperation on Home Affairs between Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Albania and the Home Office of the United Kingdom

By Donato