Diplomacy at Work in 2023

Secretary Blinken traveled more than 255,000 miles in 2023. As we say goodbye to 2023 and prepare for 2024, we look back at a year of diplomatic efforts serving the American people at home and around the world. This year, Secretary Blinken visited numerous cities across the globe, in response to crises and to advance security and prosperity for the United States and our partners. Join us for a look back at U.S. diplomacy this year. United With Ukraine Secretary Blinken signs a flag while touring a State Border Guard of Ukraine Detached Commandant Office of Security and Resource Supply site in Kyiv Oblast. [State Department photo] Secretary Blinken speaks to U.S. Embassy employees in Kyiv, Ukraine. [State Department photo] The United States continued its unwavering support of Ukraine as it regained territory and defended its citizens against Putin’s war of aggression. In February, President Biden traveled to Ukraine to express the steadfast U.S. commitment to Ukraine’s freedom, sovereignty, and independence. Secretary Blinken demonstrated ongoing U.S. support in Ukraine by meeting with the country’s leadership and U.S. embassy employees in Kyiv and visiting a Border Guard supply site. Moreover, the United States provided approximately $74 billion in military, humanitarian, and economic assistance for the people of Ukraine. The United States – together with our allies and partners – is firmly committed to supporting Ukraine’s defense today, tomorrow, for as long as it takes. We Are NATO Secretary Blinken participates in a flag raising ceremony for Finland at NATO Headquarters, in Brussels, Belgium. [State Department photo] Our NATO Alliance grew even stronger as Finland became the 31st member in April. We look forward to welcoming Sweden soon. During 2023, our shared message was clear: NATO Allies are committed to enhanced deterrence and defense, to greater and smarter defense spending, to […]

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By Donato