Biden announces $200M in aid for Ukraine as Zelenskyy meets GOP skepticism in Congress

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden announced $200 million in pre-approved aid for Ukraine after President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s marathon day of meetings here on Tuesday. The latest tranche of assistance came as the Ukrainian president visited the White House and Capitol Hill to make the case for additional U.S. support as an aid package with billions in funds for the war-torn country stalls amid partisan disagreements over immigration policies. “We’ll continue to supply Ukraine with critical weapons and equipment as long as we can, including $200 million I just approved today in critical needed equipment, additional air defense interceptors, artillery and ammunition,” Biden said during a news conference with Zelenskyy. “But without supplemental funding, we’re rapidly coming to an end of our ability to help Ukraine respond to the urgent operational demands that it has.” Zelenskyy, in an exclusive interview with NBC News after the news conference, said that his meetings with lawmakers were helpful in that he got a chance to offer a detailed explanation of progress in his country’s war against Russia. “I think we had a very good meeting with the senators,” Zelenskyy said, surrounded by security guards in green uniforms as he left the Hall of the States building following an appearance on Fox News. “And we spoke with both parties represented. I think they didn’t know all the details about what was going on in the battlefield.” “Yes, they recognized that we had really good success on the Black Sea against Russian ships, and it’s very good,” he continued. Zelenskyy also described his meeting with Biden as a positive one. Asked if he believed Ukraine would win the war, he said: “Yes, of course.” Follow live updates on Zelenskyy’s U.S. visit Zelenskyy on Tuesday spoke with lawmakers in a closed-door gathering on Capitol Hill, where […]

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By Donato