Britain’s Conservatives are warming to Donald Trump 2.0

Tory right-wingers are learning to love the Donald again — but not everyone’s thrilled. UK Tory politicians — and former prime ministers — have been praising Donald Trump | Robert Perry/Getty Images LONDON — They might not be wearing MAGA hats, but some of Britain’s most prominent Conservatives are flirting with Donald Trump again. A steady stream of Tory politicians — and even former prime ministers — have recently been heaping cautious praise on, or even endorsing, the controversial former U.S. president as his bid to re-enter the White House in November’s election gathers steam. The U.K. government itself, led by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, will stay steadfastly neutral as it tries to avoid annoying either the incumbent Joe Biden or his likely contender Trump. But in British conservative circles, the prospect of Trump 2.0 come November is now a live topic. A column this week by Paul Goodman, the well-connected editor of Tory grassroots bible ConservativeHome, set Westminster tongues wagging as he tried to sum up the pros and cons of a second Trump term, asking: “Might there be more to the coming contest than a choice between a bullshitter and a corpse?” While giving Trump both barrels as an “egomaniacal narcissist, conspiracy theorist, ethically challenged businessman, misogynist, phenomenal blowhard and former Democrat,” Goodman set out a center-right argument for a “pro-Britain” Trump that may turn Tory heads. Drawing sharp contrasts with Biden, who many Tories suspect is less keen on the U.K. when it comes to post-Brexit fights over Northern Ireland , Goodman argued: “The more telling case for Trump in that in a perilous world, in which China, Russia and Iran seem to be drawing closer together, he would project strength, and be prepared to wield it if necessary.” It’s a similar line to the one […]

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By Donato