Bye bye cookies. Hello curation

We are going to see a complete sea change in ad tech, says ExchangeWire founder Ciaran O’Kane ExchangeWire founder Ciaran O’Kane is feeling bullish. His company provides news and analysis on media, marketing and commerce, with a specific focus on data and technology. It also holds events. In the past 12 months it held conferences in London, Singapore, Madrid and Tokyo. All were packed out. “There’s a huge change going on in the industry and a thirst for knowledge,” O’Kane tells Inside Marketing, the industry podcast hosted by Dentsu Ireland’s chief strategy officer Dave Winterlich. “People want to be ahead of the curve. They don’t just want to take Google or Amazon’s word for it, they want to know what’s going on in their space.” READ MORE What’s going on right now is a massive adjustment to the loss of third-party cookies. It is transforming the landscape in programmatic […]

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By Donato