Conservatives face ‘obliteration’ as UK in worse state than 2010, Tory MP says

Danny Kruger, pictured in 2021, made the comments during a private Tory member event last October. Danny Kruger said his party would leave the country ‘sadder, less united and less conservative’ than they had found it The Conservatives face “obliteration” at the next election after leaving the country in a worse state than they inherited it in 2010, a senior Tory MP has said, in a stark assessment of the party’s 13 years in government. Danny Kruger, a leading backbencher and founder of the increasingly influential New Conservatives group, said the Conservatives risked being ejected from power this year having left the country “sadder, less united and less conservative” than they found it. The comments, which were made both at an event last year and in response to a Guardian inquiry, come just as the prime minister seeks to rally his troops with a hint of tax cuts to come in the budget ahead of an election later this year. Sunak will host an event in the north-west of England on Monday, where he will urge voters to stick with the Conservatives, saying: “The choice is whether we stick with the plan that is starting to deliver the long-term change our country needs, or go back to square one with the Labour party.” But the prime minister faces a difficult start to election year, with the possibility of a significant rebellion on Monday over his plan to extract more oil and gas from the North Sea, and another within weeks over the Rwanda bill. Sunak is also likely to have to fight three difficult byelections in Kingswood , Blackpool South and Wellingborough – all of which Labour hope to win. Speaking to a private event of Tory members organised by the thinktank ResPublica last October, Kruger said: “The narrative […]

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Click here to visit source. Conservatives face ‘obliteration’ as UK in worse state than 2010, Tory MP says

By Donato