DISCOVER | ESCHALON – Cambridge/Manchester, United Kingdom.

Today on DISCOVER, I’m joined by Brad and Simon from ESCHALON . ESCHALON is a piece band from Cambridge/Manchester, United Kingdom. Current band members are Brad Makinson (vox), Maximo David (vox), Simon Garrod (guitar), Callum Smith (guitar), James O’Donoghue (bass) and Miles Taylor (drums). Today we discuss scenery, Pylons (and their admirers), and paying tribute to those who are sadly no longer with us. Thank you for your time this evening. Let’s start with an Ice breaker, start strong – What’s the weirdest gift you’ve ever received? Brad: Great question. I’ve had some weird shit given to me in my time but the one that stands out as weirdest for me was a red lace thong I got sent for Valentine’s Day when I was younger. Completely unprovoked I might add – it’s not something I had asked for. Simon: Boring I know but I haven’t really received any weird gifts to mind. I like weird house plants though if anyone wants to gift me in the future! Brads thong story is much better! House plant desires and desirable thongs, the major difference there! So let’s touch on why we are here. Eschalon , where how did it start and how did you guys meet? Simon: Eschalon started back in 2012, I wanted to write my own riffs and form the right band members over time. Miles the drummer I met through a friend via a Youtube comment back in 2013. We started writing and practising together and have written many songs together over the years. James the bassist we met in 2017 whilst I was in line for a Shmoos Pizza at Tech-Fest 2017 . I then met Brad through our dear friend Karl Riley of Carcer City who recently passed away. Brad brought Callum the other guitarist […]

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By Donato