Face of Defense: From Battlefield to Classroom

More than two decades ago, the United States experienced a devastating terrorist attack on its own soil. It was a day filled with confusion and tragedy that stained the nation. However, it was also a pivotal moment that gave rise to a new generation of service members, like Air Force 1st Lt. Troy Smith, who were compelled to stand in defense of their country and fellow Americans. An airman stands for a photo outside a building next to a door with a unit insignia adorning it. In those dark times, Smith was a high school senior in Everett, Washington. Despite being a student on the other side of the country, he possessed a deep understanding of the attack and had a desire to help avert any future occurrences. With his father employed at Boeing, and his best friend’s father employed at Lockheed Martin working on F-16s and F-22s, he had an early exposure to the realm of aircraft and machinery and knew early on that he would want a career that combined the two fields. Upon completing high school, Smith enrolled at the University of Texas. One day, as he strolled through the campus, his mind was deep in contemplation. Amid the laughter and conversations around him, one piqued his interest. Just a few steps ahead were a few Army Reserve Officers Training Corps cadets discussing the excitement of their day. “They were describing how they were shooting M16s, riding in helicopters and rappelling off towers,” said Smith. “I couldn’t believe it; that’s exactly what I wanted to be doing. I wanted to be a soldier.” And so began his military odyssey. Young, Fit and Ready to Fight While pursuing his college education in Texas, his parents relocated to North Carolina. He returned home with them, taking time to […]

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By Donato