Here's how to get out ahead of the job-hunting competition this January

Here’s how to get ahead of other job hunters in January. – Copyright Canva Let’s face it: there’s not much to love about January. It’s the peak of the bleak midwinter and Christmas comedown-central. Unless, that is, you’re considering looking for a new job. According to jobsite Indeed , January is one of two hotspots in the recruitment calendar year (the other being September) when HR budgets are refreshed and there’s a visible uptick in vacancies as bonus season ends and more people seek to move on. It’s go-time. The only thing about a hiring hotspot, however, is that you’ll face more competition from fellow applicants than at any other time of year. This means you’ll have to work a little harder and be a bit cleverer to stand out from your peers on the call sheet. Here’s how. 3 major trends that will impact the tech workforce in 2024 Be the early bird Sure, we refer to January as peak hiring season, but on the ground it takes a couple of weeks for things to get going. Once people have returned from festive annual leave and recommence their recruitment drive, it’s often already mid-month. You’ll have hit the ground running, though, and will be ready to pounce with your application as soon as your ideal position pops up. Get that outdated CV off the cloud and update it but – word to the wise – don’t use AI to generate any of its content (recruiters can sniff this out and they hate that). Refresh your references list too––it’s no harm to prime your trusted referees that they may be contacted by a prospective employer soon. Being able to move fast means you can steal a march on the competition. Pimp your personal brand A social media check is […]

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By Donato