How Much Aid Has the U.S. Sent Ukraine? Here Are Six Charts.

A Ukrainian serviceman carries an artillery shell. Marko Djurica/Reuters Every year, the United States sends billions of dollars in aid—and much more than any other country—to beneficiaries around the world in pursuit of its security, economic, and humanitarian interests. Since Russia’s invasion in February 2022, Ukraine has become far and away the top recipient of U.S. foreign aid. This marks the first time that a European country has held the top spot since the Harry S. Truman administration directed vast sums into rebuilding the continent through the Marshall Plan after World War II. The Joe Biden administration and the U.S. Congress have directed more than $75 billion in assistance to Ukraine, which includes humanitarian, financial, and military support, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy , a German research institute. (This figure does not include all war-related U.S. spending , such as aid to allies.) The historic sums are helping a broad set of Ukrainian people and institutions, including refugees, law enforcement, and independent radio broadcasters, though most of the aid has been military-related. Dozens of other countries, including most members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU), are also providing large aid packages to Ukraine. However, the flow of Western aid to Ukraine looked uncertain in late 2023 as new funding measures were trapped in political logjams in both the United States and European Union. In the former, some $60 billion for Ukraine has become tied into contentious debates over border security and Israel. Meanwhile, in the EU, leaders have wrangled over a fifty-billion-euro package for Ukraine, as well as the country’s potential accession to the bloc, with Hungary mounting the primary opposition. Just How Much Aid Has the U.S. Sent to Ukraine? Bilateral aid to Ukraine between January 24, 2022, […]

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By Donato