How the U.S. Leads the Fight Against Global Hunger: Food for Peace and In-Kind Food Assistance

In response to hunger emergencies, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) draws on a diverse toolkit of assistance to save lives and rebuild economies. That toolkit includes cash, debit cards, vouchers, school meals and specialized nutrition support. Assistance may even come in the form of business training or crop insurance for farmers or support to government entities to manage their own anti-hunger programs. Having a wide range of assistance to choose from is critical for organizations like the U.N. World Food Programme as it responds to different emergencies. Yet, amidst a range of possible solutions and new technologies, there is still one pillar of support that has long endured and remains critical for responding to emergencies: in-kind food assistance. The U.S. Provides In-Kind Food Assistance Globally The United States is the single largest donor to the U.N. World Food Programme, providing nearly half of all contributions received by the organization in a typical year. The U.S. provides that assistance through three main programs: The Title II Food for Peace Program Emergency Food Security Program McGovern Dole Food for Education Program The Title II Food for Peace Program is the United States’ longest standing permanent program for providing international in-kind food aid. The program is administered by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). In 2022, the U.S. provided nearly 4 billion pounds of American-grown food to 58 million people through the Food for Peace Program, and much of it was received and distributed by the U.N. World Food Programme. Let’s take a closer look at the history and purpose of Food for Peace. The Food for Peace Program is administered by USAID and provides American-grown food to people around the world. Photo: WFP/Eulalia Berlanga/2022 Food for Peace Paves the Way for WFP The Food for Peace Program […]

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By Donato