Lawyering up: Leading US attorney makes case for Israel

Richard Rosenbaum, one of the top lawyers in the United States and one of the leaders of the protest against anti-Semitism in universities, recognizes the awakening of Jewish identity among young people in America, undertakes to check not only grades, but manifestations of anti-Semitism of job applicants, and recalls the days when he could not say his last name in front of clients

Greenberg Traurig

Richard Rosenbaum, 67, one of the most senior lawyers in the United States, has served since 2016 as active chairman of the firm Greenberg Traurig (GT), after previously being its president and CEO. GT has 2,700 lawyers and is one of the ten largest in America, with annual revenues of approximately $2 billion. The firm was among the law firms that initiated and signed a letter sent at the beginning of November to the deans of more than 100 law schools in the United States, demanding that the rampant anti-Semitism on the campuses of the most prestigious universities, from Harvard to Cornell, be dealt with urgently and with a heavy hand. More than 20 firms that signed the letter also warned that they would not accept students involved in anti-Semitic activities. A month after the war broke out in Gaza, Rosenbaum arrived at the GT offices in Tel Aviv, where since 2012 he has employed about 20 lawyers who are mainly involved in accompanying high-tech transactions. Richard Rosenbaum Will you really check the opinions and statements of the job candidates, or is this a declarative document?

“We definitely mean what we say. We have deepened the tests we do for candidates and expanded them far beyond grades. Today it is not difficult to find the candidate’s history on social networks, and even if they deleted it when they started looking for a job, there are […]

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By Donato