News Wrap: U.S. labor report stronger than expected with 216,000 jobs added in December

In our news wrap Friday, the Labor Department says U.S. employers added a net 216,000 jobs i December which is more than analysts expected, inflation is on the rise in Europe after seven months of declines, Israeli planes and tanks pounded refugee camps in Gaza sending more people fleeing south and Iraq is launching a process to shut down the U.S. coalition that’s in the country fighting ISIS. Read the Full Transcript Notice: Transcripts are machine and human generated and lightly edited for accuracy. They may contain errors. Amna Nawaz: The U.S. economy has turned in another strong showing, despite higher interest rates. The Labor Department reports employers added a net 216,000 jobs in December, more than analysts expected. The unemployment rate held at 3.7 percent. It’s now been under 4 percent for 23 straight months. Those upbeat numbers contrast sharply with polls showing widespread public discontent with the economy. Prices are on the rise again in Europe after seven months of declines. Inflation in the Eurozone rose to 2.9 percent in December. That is up from 2.4 percent in November, and it could prompt the European Central Bank to delay cutting interest rates. In the Middle East, Israeli planes and tanks pounded refugee camps in Central Gaza overnight, sending more people fleeing south. And in Jordan, thousands of demonstrators rallied in Amman to show solidarity with Gaza. They demanded an end to Israel’s offensive and its Western support. That came as U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Turkey on his latest trip to the region. Security forces in Iran have arrested 11 suspects after suicide bombings claimed by the Islamic State group. Wednesday’s attack killed 89 people in the city of Kerman. At a mass funeral today, mourners wept over the victim’s coffins. The crowd chanted […]

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By Donato