NSN Conference: the 2023 edition explained

The North Sea Neighbours Conference, what is it exactly? Four participants answer three questions. This week the NSN took place in the Hague. ‘There is an infectious vibrancy and energy to the relationship between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.’ Lamyae El Hasnaoui, Second Secretary for Political Affairs at the Netherlands’ Embassy in the United Kingdom – can you explain what “NSN” stands for, and what the aim of such a bilateral conference is? ‘The NSN stands for North Sea Neighbours (NSN). The NSN, previously known as The Apeldoorn Conference, was initiated in 1999 by Dutch Prime Minister Wim Kok and the British Prime Minister Tony Blair. The purpose of the conference is to foster closer cooperation and dialogue between the Netherlands and the United Kingdom on various issues of common interest. The first conference took place in 2000 in the city of Apeldoorn. The series has become a forum to gather ideas, expertise and best practices, and to create lasting relationships and networks. My personal experience is that it is both the conference itself that enhances the bilateral relationship, as the run-up to the conference in which policymakers on both sides of the North Sea work closely together. Since 2000 the conference takes place every one to two years. Last years’ NSN took place in London and focused on the energy transition and energy security, as well as the NL-UK relationship in a changing geopolitical context.’ Jasmin Vassilev and Naomi van de Vorst, this year’s edition of the NSN takes place in The Hague, can you explain what the conference will look like this year? ‘The NSN will take place in The Hague on 7 December. It is great to organize a conference with such broad participation, gathering leaders from policy, academia, civil society, think tanks, businesses, and […]

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By Donato