On this day in history, January 16, 1919, Prohibition is ratified, banning booze in the United States

On this day in history, January 16, 1919, Prohibition is ratified, banning booze in the United States The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution , a progressive effort to enforce social reform via expanded federal power and popularly known as Prohibition, was ratified on this day in history, Jan. 16, 1919. “The manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all the territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited,” the amendment states. Prohibition remains unique among the 27 amendments in three ways. ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY, JANUARY 15, 2009, U.S. AIRWAYS FLIGHT MAKES MIRACULOUS LANDING IN THE HUDSON RIVER It is the only amendment that limited the rights of U.S. citizens rather than restrict the powers of government, as was originally intended by the Bill of Rights. It quickly proved hugely unpopular despite initial overwhelming support by state assemblies. READ ON THE FOX NEWS APP And it proved so bad that it was overturned by the 21st Amendment in 1933. John Barleycorn’s “funeral” was staged by Boston Prohibitionists in front of the Morgan Memorial Church of All Nations in the South End of Boston as the 18th Amendment’s prohibition on alcohol took effect at midnight on Jan. 16, 1920. The cortege consisted of eight auto trucks containing 125 cheering and shouting men, women and children, and a city water wagon that featured “Uncle Sam.” More “U.S. is voted dry,” boasted Ohio-based temperance newspaper The American Issue in a bold-faced front-page headline in Jan. 1919. “Thirty-sixth state ratifies dry amendment.” Nebraska nosed out Missouri for the “honor of completing the job of writing dry act into the Constitution; Wyoming, Wisconsin and Minnesota right on their heels,” the paper reported. January 16, […]

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Click here to visit source. On this day in history, January 16, 1919, Prohibition is ratified, banning booze in the United States

By Donato