Preparing Europe for Trump 2.0

Russian President Vladimir Putin and former US President Donald Trump meet on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Japan, June 2019 © Reuters This article is an on-site version of our Europe Express newsletter. Sign up here to get the newsletter sent straight to your inbox every weekday and Saturday morning Welcome back. Donald Trump’s victory in New Hampshire’s Republican primary this week makes it urgent for Europeans to confront the question — what if the former US president wins the election in November? Can or should Europe make itself “Trump-proof”? Does all of Europe even want to make the attempt? I’m at . Horrified, dismayed or sanguine? I’ll start by questioning the assumption that all European politicians and policymakers would react with horror or dismay to Trump’s re-election. True, few have forgotten that he once called Brussels a “hellhole”. And, despite the occasionally soothing language of […]

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By Donato