Secretary Antony J. Blinken With Radio France Internationale

Via Translation QUESTION: Hello, Antony Blinken. SECRETARY BLINKEN: Hello. QUESTION: Ivory Coast shares borders with countries that are completely overwhelmed by insecurity, such as Mali and Burkina Faso. What type of assistance does the United States propose to help Ivory Coast repel these threats? SECRETARY BLINKEN: Specifically, security support to help Ivory Coast confront these threats. In the north, where we have Burkina Faso and Mali, there’s always the danger that something starting in one country could spread to another. We are very aware of this. There is a comprehensive security program built on what the Ivorians are already doing. I believe their security program in the north, which is community-based and where there is now better understanding and cooperation between security forces and citizens, forms the foundation of a security system that can truly work and meet the needs of those who are in danger, first of all. Additionally, there is support in terms of equipment, technology, and information that, I hope and believe, assists the Ivorians in facing existing threats. QUESTION: Do the United States intend to go further in their aid, for example, by considering the establishment of a military base in the north, in Korhogo, for instance? SECRETARY BLINKEN: All of that remains to be seen. For now, we are focused on concrete assistance that can make a difference. During this visit, I was able to announce additional aid for Ivory Coast, both financial aid and military equipment that is needed to confront extremists. QUESTION: You also announced an additional $45 million in aid for coastal countries. Specifically, how will this money be used? SECRETARY BLINKEN: It will be used for a number of things. It’s going to translate into the equipment needed to confront the dangers. It will translate into technologies that can also […]

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