Secretary Blinken’s Remarks to the Press

SECRETARY BLINKEN: Hello, everyone. So we’ve just completed our tenth stop in seven days in the region. And as we have everywhere throughout this trip, we’ve been focused on a number of key objectives. First, preventing the conflict from spreading; second, getting more humanitarian assistance in to people who need it; three, increasing protection for civilians; four, getting hostages out; and finally, continuing to support Israel in its efforts to make sure that October 7th can never happen again, and so that this conflict can end. We also had conversations about the day after the conflict ends, doing the work necessary to prepare for that, as well as for long-term, enduring security. And I have to say what was different about this trip is that on our previous trips here, I think there was a reluctance to talk about some of the day-after issues and long-term stability and security on a regional basis, but now we’re finding that our partners are very focused on that and wanting to engage on those questions. So this was a big part of our conversation as well. They’re also clearly prepared to take steps, to do things, to make commitments necessary both for Gaza’s future and for long-term peace and security in the region. We come away with a number of concrete steps forward. First, an agreement by Israel to have the United Nations send an assessment team to the north of Gaza to look at the conditions that would be necessary to start to get people moving back to the north. Second, we have a commitment from the Palestinian Authority to pursue meaningful reform. Third, we’re also, as – just literally as we’re here, we have the Security Council at the United Nations pronouncing itself on the ongoing Houthi aggression – that’s […]

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By Donato