Indicator 1980 2020 Percent Reduction Land Use: Planted Acres Per Bushel 0.0371 0.0197 47% Water Use: Acre Inches Per Bushel 1.0839 0.4194 61% Energy Use: BTU Per Bushel 72,726 40,035 45% GHG Emissions: Pounds of CO2e Per Bushel 13.6 7.9 42% Soil Erosion: Tons of Soil Loss Per Acre 7.4 4.8 35% Source: Field to Market (2021)

The SSAP describes the regulations, processes, and management practices that ensure sustainable soy production and includes continuous improvement goals that draw metrics from the Field to Market National Indicators Report . Provided in their 2021 report, Field to Market measured environmental outcomes […]

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By Donato