Supporting the 2024 United States election

Dec 19, 2023 – 5 minute read As the US election season kicks into gear, citizens across the country come to YouTube for news and information, from voter registration to the location of their nearest polling place. Candidates across the political spectrum also use YouTube in their campaign outreach, including for voters tougher to reach through traditional campaign methods. I wanted to share an overview of how we’re connecting people to authoritative election news and information on YouTube. We dedicate significant time and resources to establish and refine the policies and systems that effectively connect people to trustworthy, high-quality election news and information on YouTube. Elevating high-quality election content We dedicate significant time and resources to establish and refine the policies and systems that effectively connect people to trustworthy, high-quality election news and information on YouTube. The 2024 election is no exception. Our elections-focused teams have been working nonstop to make sure we have the right policies and systems in place. YouTube has long been a platform for political discussion and debate. We believe voters should hear all sides of a candidate’s platform so they can make informed decisions, even when those views may be controversial or questionable. It’s why, when it comes to political speech on YouTube, we take extra consideration for content with educational or documentary value , such as news coverage. But this isn’t a free pass to spread harmful misinformation or promote hateful rhetoric. Everyone is subject to our Community Guidelines, from private citizens to the most visible public figures. And our policies apply to all forms of content, including elections — regardless of the political viewpoints expressed, the language the content is in, or how the content is generated. Content that misleads voters on how to vote or encourages interference in the democratic process […]

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By Donato