The United States of America: The great satan or beacon of democracy?

Double-exposure-image-of-the-Statue-of-Liberty-and-the-American-flag. Image: iStock Since Australia has mortgaged its future to this nation it is worth debating the matter.

The preambles to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as statement of ideals are inspiring but the reality is far from these ideals. It is true that the Americans fought a civil war partly based on abolition of slavery but three quarters of a century after landmark civil rights legislation, only one percent of CEOs are black. Anyone who has lived in Washington metropolitan area and travelled on the red line of the metro can attest to the racial divide. […]

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See also  The US in 2022 saw highest number of ‘active shooter’ casualties – deaths or injuries – of the past 5 years, FBI report finds

By Donato