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Top chat Some messages, such as potential spam, may not be visible Live chat All messages are visible 4:33 AMDREMO33OID​FORZA RUSSIA 4:42 AMHeinz-Florian​Reverses Prays Big Endtime 4:42 AMNicko Moffat​15 secondes d’image à répétition ? 4:44 AMHeinz-Florian​God very angry Mad Sins World 4:47 AMHeinz-Florian​Mad Sins says no no fun fun fun 4:58 AMlarry wright​Okay pal 5:03 AMPETE ALLISON​Well, that amazing as they haven’t been delivered yet. 5:17 AMCarpenter​I like how you title your Russian propaganda channel to sound like an English Channel. Well done. 5:39 AMserge dechantigny​So , you’re the Fox News of Russia ??? 6:32 AMM.G. de […]

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By Donato