Unofficial US delegation says support for Taiwan remains ‘rock solid’ after voters defied China

Hong Kong/Taipei CNN — Former senior US officials reaffirmed “rock solid” American support for Taiwan in a visit Monday after the self-ruled island defied threats from China by electing a new president loathed by Beijing. Lai Ching-te , a staunch defender of Taiwan’s sovereignty and democracy, on Saturday won a historic third consecutive term for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), shrugging off warnings from Beijing that his election would increase the risk of conflict. In keeping with past US practice, the Biden administration dispatched an unofficial delegation to Taiwan following the election to meet the island’s current and incoming presidents. But the US reaction to the election has already sparked an angry response from China. In a meeting with Taiwan’s incumbent President Tsai Ing-wen Monday, former US national security adviser Stephen Hadley congratulated Taiwan on the elections on behalf of the American people, praising the self-ruled island’s democracy as a “shining example for the world.” Hadley reaffirmed that “the American commitment to Taiwan is rock solid, principled and bipartisan.” “We look forward to continuity in the relationship between Taiwan and the United States under the new administration and for common efforts to preserve cross-strait peace and stability,” he said. Nauru cuts diplomatic ties with Taiwan in favor of China Former deputy secretary of state James Steinberg said the delegation traveled to Taiwan to “underscore the US bipartisan support for our long-standing friendship for Taiwan.” During Tsai’s eight years in office, Taiwan has bolstered its ties with its democratic partners, especially the US, its biggest international backer, which increased support and arms sales to the island. The delegation also met with Lai and Vice President-elect Hsiao Bi-khim, a well-known figure in Washington after serving as Taiwan’s top envoy to the United States. In the meeting, Lai called the US […]

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Click here to visit source. Unofficial US delegation says support for Taiwan remains ‘rock solid’ after voters defied China

By Donato