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View from Westminster Rishi Sunak has warned migrants threaten to “ overwhelm” countries including the UK unless radical action is taken – as he vowed to push for reforms to the global rules on refugees. The prime minister also said that failing to tackle illegal migration would “destroy the public’s faith” in politicians and “our very systems of government” during a conference organised by the far-right Italian leader Giorgia Meloni. In his speech in Rome, he warned that “enemy” states were deliberately “driving people to our shores to try and destabilise our societies”. And he invoked Margaret Thatcher’s “radicalism” as he tried to save his c ontroversial plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda , which has come under fire from MPs on all sides of his party. His comments appeared to echo the harder language on migration of his sacked home secretary Suella Braverman. She was condemned last year for claiming the UK faced an “invasion” on its south coast. Critics accused him of using her “playbook” and said the Tories were in a “bidding war to see who can make the most toxic contribution to the debate”. A day after a migrant died while trying to cross the English Channel, Mr Sunak also warned that “if we don’t fix this problem now, the boats will keep coming and more lives will be lost at sea.” “If that requires us to update our laws and lead an international conversation to amend the post-war frameworks around asylum, we must do that,” he added. Government sources said this could include a host of post-war agreements such as the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the Refugee Convention, sentiments that were welcomed by Tory MPs on the right of the party. In Italy, Mr Sunak also held talks with Ms […]

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By Donato