Who makes the big decisions about China’s economy?

A job fair in Beijing. Chinese graduates both at home and abroad are facing difficulties finding employment that fits their career expectations. Photo: Reuters China’s overseas students face hazy future, with tough job markets at home and abroad Chinese students earning degrees abroad have found the job search difficult, both in their countries of study and their homes Fewer connections and strict immigration policies limit opportunities abroad, but China’s job market also in a state of torpor Published: Since August, Emma Li has sent 300 job applications to companies in China. She has had four interviews. The 26-year-old, who will graduate from one of the top business schools in Europe next year, has struggled to find a job that meets her expectations during the “golden fall” recruitment period in China’s labour market, lasting from September to the end of the year. She sometimes missed calls from recruitment managers back home – complications caused by the time difference and jet lag while in Paris. In another clear disadvantage, most firms she applied to no longer accept online interviews, as with the end of pandemic restrictions, companies now prefer to evaluate candidates in-person. China’s civil service in high demand as record 2.83 million apply for exam25 Oct 2023 “College degrees have depreciated so much in China,” Li said. “And companies set high thresholds for fresh graduates to do rather simple work.” Li also has to compete with a record crop of domestic graduates, whose number is expected to reach 11.79 million next year – up 210,000 from 2023 according to the Ministry of Education – who will all be competing for gainful employment amid a sluggish economic recovery. The jobless rate for those aged 16 to 24 has remained at an elevated level, hitting 21.3 per cent in June before Beijing […]

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By Donato