Nikki Haley taunts Trump and he takes the bait. Will she keep it up?

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley speaks at a campaign rally on Wednesday in North Charleston, S.C. (Allison Joyce/Getty Images) Donald Trump doesn’t respond well to women who challenge, question or mock him. They bring out the worst in him. Nikki Haley is doing all three and has turned the Republican nomination contest into something worth watching. Cut through the 2024 election noise. Get The Campaign Moment newsletter. Put aside whether Haley can win next month’s South Carolina primary or how well she will do on Super Tuesday and beyond. Put aside questions about “the math” or “her path” to the nomination or discussion about whether the race for the Republican presidential nomination essentially ended after Trump’s decisive victories in Iowa and New Hampshire. All of those are relevant but right now beside the point. Haley has found a soft spot in Trump’s armor. She seems to relish the opportunity […]

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By Donato