Spanish woman removed from UK after returning from Christmas holiday

British border officials told her not to try to re-enter the country for a month. Woman was detained overnight and removed despite presenting Home Office documents showing her right to work and live in UK A 34-year-old Spanish woman was forcibly removed from the UK after returning from a Christmas holiday near Málaga despite presenting Brexit paperwork to border officials showing she has a right to live and work in the country. She was flown back to Spain after being detained overnight in Luton airport on 26 December and told she was “wasting her time” if she thought the Home Office documentation she had showing her right to live in the UK was valid. Alistair Strathern, the Labour MP for Mid Bedfordshire, said he was looking for answers from the Home Office about the case. “I went home because my sister had a little baby girl, and literally four days later in Luton airport they took me to the detention room, took my stuff and my phone and told me to wait there. I was left there all night and then put on a plane,” said Maria, whose name has been changed. The removal has left her in shock but also illustrates the jeopardy facing EU citizens whose applications to remain in the UK under the Brexit withdrawal agreement are yet to be concluded. Maria’s husband flew out to Spain to help after British border officials warned her not to try to re-enter the country for a month. She said: “I was supposed to be back at work but now my life has gone. All my stuff is in the UK: my dog, my car. I was doing this veterinary nursing apprenticeship, which was my dream. “If I try and go back it will be even worse.” Maria, a […]

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By Donato